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Cooper & Lexi - Georgia

What a wonderful not so little puppy!
Cooper is so much different than Lexi. She is a bit aloof, independent, but oh so nice. Cooper is a huggable tyke who likes to cuddle

Lexi is a good big sister. They play all day (when not napping). Sometimes a little roughly but usually lexi takes care of cooper. She is jealous of toys, has to possess all of them. So they play chase, she takes the toy, and puts it in her pile, or the toy box. Cooper has figured out to just get another.

He's no dummy, but not as sharp as lexi. And eats like a pig! He's up to 20 pounds and very active Is helping Lexi's separation anxiety, and drooling in the car. He likes car rides!

Our "pond" isn't nearly as big as yours. Actually a child's wading pool, but the dogs love to play. Especially Cooper. He does the 'wolf stalk', run, and leap into the water. He goes underwater and blows bubbles. Lexi is a wader...

Both are happy, healthy, and very active. Cooper now weighs 32 pounds, and constantly eats. We've not found anything he doesn't like. Such big feet and ears... he'll probably grow rather large, like his father. Lexi is 56 pounds and probably fully grown. Perhaps will fill out some as she matures.

It was a good decision to get Cooper for Lexi's companion... she seems much happier, though rather possessive of the toys... taking everything away from Cooper - and then playing chase. It's not meanness just play. Chase and tumble. They are best buddies and go everywhere together. Cooper doesn't like the garage, but does like riding in the car. Lexi, to the contrary, does like the garage, and though eagerly gets into the car, hasn't really liked to ride. Now that she is big enough to see out the windows (and with Cooper's presence) she's enjoying more, drooling less - or little to none.

And everywhere we go people ask what they are, ask to take their pictures, and about the temperament, etc. We give them your website name, of course. Our vet REALLY wants to get a Tamaskan.

Thanks, again. They are such joys!
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