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George - Indiana

Dear Blustag,
My wife and I are quality dog breeders as well and until 2010 a Tamaskan was only a breed I'd heard of. We know dogs very well and there are just a few breeds that truly "wow" us. But after discovering Blustag Tamaskan on a breeding site I was much more than "wowed." Honestly I watched some of the videos of the Tamaskans on the Blustag site and got a great feel for them, especially some of the interactions with Danielle. So I expected an intelligent puppy, easy to train, with a sweet nature that truly looked like a majestic wolf -- that's exactly what I got in George!

I'd like anyone who reads this to understand something that may not be obvious to them. What Kevin and Danielle are doing at Blustag Tamaskan is not easy in the least. Again, I know dogs and dog breeding very well. And it would be one thing to have say 15 litters of puppies a year of an established breed. That is a whole lot of work in itself to do well. But with Blustag Tamaskan they are ALSO creatively bettering the Tamaskan breed and establishing acceptance of what is a relatively new breed in the US as they raise these pups. We who adopt these early Tamaskans are a part of history. One day the breed will be accepted by AKC, etc. which also translates into the fact that Tamaskans are amazing canines NOW, it's AKC and many others that will eventually realize this. This breed will flourish.

As for my Tamaskan George (formerly known as Archie) what a radiant tail wagging boy he is. He has grown from his puppy stage into young adult. As he has done this his coat and coat pattern have grown very thick with the Illinois winter and anyone who sees him would swear he is a young wolf.

Puppies are always going to attempt to interact with us humans as if we are litter mates at first. Thus the behavior of interacting by trying to chew. That's what they do by instinct. George quickly learned with guidance to stop the chewing and to simply enjoy the petting, praise and to play with assigned toys. He's learned his obedience training well and is a sweet boy that showers us with his shimmering eyes and heartfelt kindness daily. He also hangs out with my silver Lab and soon his new little brother....Dokken (formerly known as Jake) also a Tamaskan from Blustag Tamaskan! Dokken is a little too small to run with the big boys just yet but soon! That is another story of course but suffice it to say: one Tamaskan is incredible...two Tamaskans, seriously, is magic. Seeing more than one together is like seeing wolves interacting. Pictures are one thing but seeing these amazing dogs in real life is awe inspiring. And this is my life -- pinch me!

Having worked with many dogs before, I've seen some interesting differences in and with the Tamaskans. They are very intelligent. They solve problems by clearly thinking things through in ways many dogs do not. They also use their paws a great deal to get toys and food, etc. in ways most dogs do not. George also handles cold weather much better than our other dogs. And then there's the eyes. This you'll have to experience to believe but they can say so much with their expressions and use of their eyes in a way many dogs do not.

In summary: Tamaskans bred by Blustag Tamaskan are dogs and puppies that represent "the bar" to shoot for in coat, build and temperament. And again, what Kevin and Danielle are accomplishing, the commitment required is staggering. Other breeders of Tamaskans can only hope to equal what Blustag Tamaskan has done with the breed. And without commitment to the breed and it's continued improvement/establishment there's no shot at even approaching what Blustag Tamaskan has accomplished. Oh, and for the record: Blustag Tamaskan is in no way a "puppy mill." I know what these are, I've seen them and Blustag has standards far beyond something like that.

Thank you Blustag Tamaskan for making this opportunity to own a quality Tamaskan possible. I know logically that George is a Tamaskan but I feel like I live with a loyal and loving wolf everyday. It's amazing!

-Kenny Ramp
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