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Tidus - New York

Dear Danielle,
I discovered the Tamaskan breed while looking into purchasing a German shepherd or wolf hybrid. I stumbled upon some links/articles about a breed of dog that had all the physical traits of a wolf, yet were better mannered. Naturally, I had to investigate. After doing my homework on the breed, I decided that this was the exact breed of dog I was looking for. Upon researching breeders, I came across the Blustag Tamaskan and was thoroughly impressed with the physical attributes of the kennel's dogs. This led to what may have been unnecessarily numerous phone calls to Kevin, the breeder, at all hours of the day or night; who was always available, happy and very well informed on everything related to the breed. My first observations based on the pictures I saw of Tamaskans were of ferocity and strength (obviously awesome). After reading more into the breed, I discovered (to my pleasure) that this was not the whole case. The breed is intelligent, observant, humble, sociable, and above all has a strong loyalty to its family.

The puppy (Tidus)'s first night home was a pleasure! He was curious about everything and everyone. He had a strong desire to get in the face of every pet in our home and then commence playing. At first, the other dogs seemed caught off guard by his bold and outgoing behavior. Our fearless beast of a Rottweiler continually growled at him although he was aware of boundaries (impressive for such a young animal), yet his spirit was not broken. Our Australian shepherd spent the evening fleeing Tidus at his every approach.

Tidus has maintained his very outgoing and playful attitude toward life. He has also become more patient. An excellent listener, Tidus shows a great deal of intent to please me, his owner, which works out perfectly. Tidus has grown increasingly intelligent. I am certain there is no trick that he cannot learn. His book of tricks includes, spinning in a circle on his hind legs, and balancing food on his nose until I snap, then flicking it into the air and catching it in his mouth. He can come and stop on command. I can put his food before him, telling him to sit and stay, and proceed to leave the room for several minutes and all the while he will still be in the same position, waiting for the order to eat. He can also "sneak," crawling on his belly for whatever distance, twirl, speak, shake, and rollover. He has also remained humble. Tidus takes discipline well and learns from it; minus the occasional treat he finds in the garbage. When told to relax, he will calm down. He knows when it's just too much to handle. Tidus loves everything about the outdoors; he especially enjoys the snow!!

While searching for a dog, I spent many late nights reading through all the finite details on the various breeds available. Once I came across the Tamaskan breed, I developed a sincere interest in these dogs. This was only strengthened upon my discovery of The Blustag Tamaskan and the beautiful dogs they were breeding.

It wasn't even three months later that I was in the Syracuse, NY airport picking up my puppy. He slept in my arms for the majority of the 3 1/2 hour ride home, which made my precious little heart melt. It is now one year and six months later, and Tidus has been the best investment I have ever made. He is beautiful. No better word describes the naturally gorgeous coloring and physical attributes Tidus displays. He demonstrates daily his humility and loving nature. Tidus and our mini-Australian Shepherd (Pippin) love to run together. Tidus, being the gentle character he is, lets Pippin chase him around the yard while nipping at his ankles and barking at him. At first, I thought I should be concerned that Pippin might be too aggressive, but the two quickly grew to love one another. They nap together, climbing into a crate that they are no longer required to sleep in, and fall asleep. Tidus has had everyone laughing at one point or another with his unique behavior.

Tidus is completely loyal to me. The few times he has taken off into our woods, a stern call and a loud clap brings him flying through the woods in the most spectacular manor. He truly resembles a wolf from his piercing eyes, to his thick wool like coat. Tidus enjoys howling whenever the neighbors' dogs are let out, reinforcing the streaking image of a wolf in its full majesty. I take Tidus for jogs in town every week, and every week somebody new stops me and talks to me about how beautiful he is. His charming nature and good looks attract everyone.

Tidus is all I could have ever asked for out of a companion and friend; this and much more. He has been a blessing in my life and in the lives of my family members as well, from the way he gently nibbles on my knuckles when being playful to him coming to lay beside me when I am tired, or sad. I look forward to future years with him, and will certainly purchase another Tamaskan at some point, so that he can learn from the best dog I've ever raised!

Jevon Reardon
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